

Wire and cable combustion series

Home首页-Product-Wire and cable combustion series-BX-1 Elevator Cable Bending Test Device
BX-1 Elevator Cable Bending Test Device

The BX-1 elevator cable bending test device is suitable for situations where manufacturers who produce or use flat elevator cables need to conduct bending tests on flat elevator cables.

This testing device is a simulation of the fatigue resistance performance of the traveling cable during elevator operation. It simulates the working conditions of the flat elevator cable when it runs in the elevator shaft. It is an effective method to conduct a high-voltage test on the sample three million times in one test (about 70 consecutive days) and one week during the test, and evaluate the sample after obtaining the parameters.

This experimental device uses a built-in software controlled servo motor control system to control the servo motor to achieve the round-trip motion of the sample and the acceleration (deceleration) of the sample during the round-trip motion. This testing device can complete the bending test of flat elevator cables with diameters of 420mm and 630mm according to standards.

Technical parameter

Main technical parameters

1. Effective displacement at vertical height: 3.40.1 meters, with a customizable stroke of up to 7 meters.

2. Distance from the fixed end to the movable end of the sample: 420-630mm, adjustable

3. Sample round-trip frequency: 90010 times/hour (round-trip calculation once)

1800 soil 20 times/hour (two round-trip calculations)

4. Acceleration (deceleration) during sample movement: less than 4 meters/second

5. Maximum number of tests per test: 1.5 million (one round trip), can be set, with power outage maintenance

6. Sample power-off detection voltage: 12vdc, with a wire break shutdown device

7. Counterweight block: 3x1kg

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